New sales partner in Korea
Dong Yang Engineering Co. Ltd. is new HEROSE sales partner in Korea
Dong Yang has been an established engineering service company in the Korean plant engineering and shipbuilding industries for many years.
More than 40 employees provides design engineering and development services predominantly in pipeline installation, system integration and electrical installation. Dong Yang also acts as a dealer.
We are looking forward to a good and efficient cooperation in the future technology of LNG-powered ships and in a stronger market presence for our Korean industrial gas customers
Contact information:
Dong Yang Engineering Co., Ltd (DYE)
4th Floor Chung-Sol Bldg, 70-1 Myeongchon 10 Gil
55254 Ulsan, Buk-gu
South Korea
Phone: +82 52 289 76 88
Fax: +82 52 289 76 91